Listing Format: | Auction |
Current price : | $75.00 |
Starting bid: | $20.00 |
Quantity: | 1 |
# of bids: | 13 |
Closes: | Auction is closed |
Location: | USA |
Started: | 1/27/2014 6:00:00 PM |
Ended: | 2/7/2014 12:05:34 AM |
Seller: |
North American Glass
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High Bidder(s): | glassmandaveh |
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A WHITE HOUSE APPLE BUTTER jar with original mixer attachment.These jars were reportedly sold for a time with a promotional offer in which the jar's cap could be sent in to the WHITE HOUSE company, along with 25 cents and you would be mailed the beater attachment for your jar. Nice untouched condition throughout.
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